568 research outputs found

    Elliptic flow and freezeout from the parton cascade MPC

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    Differential elliptic flow out to p_T ~ 5 GeV/c and particle spectra are calculated using the MPC elastic parton cascade model for Au+Au at Ecm ~ 130A GeV. The evolution is computed from parton transport theory, followed by hadronization either via independent fragmentation or by imposing parton-hadron duality. With pQCD elastic cross sections, very large initial gluon densities dN/deta > 7000 are required to reproduce the data measured by the STAR collaboration. In addition, elliptic flow and the p_T spectra are shown to be very sensit ive to particle subdivision.Comment: Contribution to Quark Matter 2001, to appear in proceedins. Text + all figures. Corrected label in Fig. 1

    The Decoupling Problem at RHIC

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    We investigate whether it is possible to dynamically generate from classical transport theory the observed surprising Rout ~ Rside in Au+Au at s^1/2 = 130A GeV at RHIC. We obtained covariant solutions to the Boltzmann transport equation via the MPC technique, for a wide range of partonic initial conditions and opacities. We demonstrate that there exist transport solutions that yield a freezeout distribution with Rout ~ 1.5 GeV. These solutions correspond to continuous evaporation-like freezeout, where the emission duration is comparable to the source size. Naively this would mean Rout > Rside. Nevertheless, our sources exhibit Rout < Rside because they are narrower in the 'out' than in the 'side' direction and, in addition, a positive x_out-t correlation develops reducing Rout further.Comment: Talk given at the Budapest 2002 Intl. Workshop on "Quark and hadron dynamics in relativistic heavy-ion collisions", March 3-7, 2002, Budapest, Hungary. To appear in proceedings. LaTeX source + 4 EPS figure

    New Solutions to Covariant Non-equilibrium Dynamics

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    New solutions of 3+1D covariant kinetic theory are presented for nuclear collisions in the energy domain Ecm ~ 200 AGeV. They are obtained using MPC, a new Monte-Carlo parton transport technique that employs very high parton subdivision that is necessary to preserve covariance. The transport results are compared with ideal hydrodynamics solutions. We show that the transport evolution differs significantly from hydrodynamics. In addition, we compare the transport freeze-out distributions to those obtained from ideal hydrodynamics with the Cooper-Frye isotherm freeze-out prescription. The transport freeze-out four-volume is shown to be sensitive to the reaction rates and deviates from both time-like and space-like freeze-out 3D hypersurfaces commonly assumed. In particular, we find that there does not exist a universal freeze-out temperature. Finally, the transverse momentum distributions are found to deviate by up to an order of magnitude from (Cooper-Frye frozen) hydrodynamics for a wide range of possible initial conditions and reaction rates at RHIC energies.Comment: One figure - one file, revised version for PRC. 15 pages incl. 6 figures (6 eps files via epsf), 1 table. See parton cascade code at http://www-cunuke.phys.columbia.edu/people/molnar

    Heuristic Solution to Protect Communications in WDM Networks using P-cycles

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    Optical WDM mesh networks are able to transport huge amount of information. The use of such technology however poses the problem of protection against failures such as fibre cuts. One of the principal methods for link protection used in optical WDM networks is pre-configured protection cycle (p-cycle). The major problem of this method of protection resides in finding the optimal set of p-cycles which protect the network for a given distribution of working capacity. Existing heuristics generate a large set of p-cycle candidates which are entirely independent of the network state, and from then the good sub-set of p-cycles which will protect the network is selected. In this paper, we propose a new algorithm of generation of p-cycles based on the incremental aggregation of the shortest cycles. Our generation of p-cycles depends on the state of the network. This enables us to choose an efficient set of p-cycles which will protect the network. The set of p-cycles that we generate is the final set which will protect the network, in other words our heuristic does not go through the additional step of p-cycle selectio

    Stability Oriented Routing in Mobile Ad-Hoc Networks Based on Simple Automatons

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    International audienceSince wireless ad-hoc networks with mobile nodes have not stable topology, the classical network functions as the routing are difficult to realize. The router nodes and the links between them are not stable and can appear and disappear randomly. So, classic routing algorithms can not be used successfully. New approaches should be used which deals with these dynamic changes. To avoid frequent route requests and volatile routes due to uncertain information, the objective of the routing can correspond to the route stability. The route computation can be based on random variables and becomes probabilistic routing. Our book chapter focuses on modeling the resilience of these information for ad hoc networks where topology information is uncertain. Our model is based on a dynamic graph where the existence of the nodes and the communication capability between them are modeled by simple two state automaton where the transitions are initiated by random events

    Construction d'arbres de diffusion multicast basée sur une modification de l'heuristique de Kruskal

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    La construction d'arbres couvrants partiels de poids minimum est un problÚme NP-complet pour lequel plusieurs heuristiques approximatives ont déjà été formulées. La plupart d'entre elles (telle l'heuristique de Kruskal) sont basées sur la recherche des plus courts chemins pour relier différentes composantes de l'arbre. Dans ce rapport, nous présentons un algorithme de construction d'une approximation de l'arbre minimum de Steiner (qui est l'arbre optimal d'une diffusion multicast) basé sur des structures plus avantageuses que celles des plus courts chemins. L'algorithme réalise les connexions sous forme des arbres minimum de Steiner limités en nombre de noeuds

    Attityder till murat och putsat byggande hos byggentreprenörer, arkitekter och köpare av nybyggda smÄhus

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    En undersökning har under hösten 2011 genomförts vid Lunds tekniska högskola för att ta reda pĂ„ attityder till murat och putsat byggande hos byggentreprenörer, arkitekter och köpare av smĂ„hus. Murat byggande Ă€r en byggnadsteknik som har sin tyngdpunkt i SkĂ„ne – hĂ€r finns merparten av efterfrĂ„gan frĂ„n smĂ„husköparna men Ă€ven erfarenheterna hos byggentreprenörerna. I övriga regioner Ă€r murat byggande mindre etablerat, vilket gör att smĂ„husköpare har svĂ„rare att fĂ„ tag i murade hus. Detta innebĂ€r samtidigt att det finns en potential att utveckla dessa marknader. Murat och putsat byggande har sin styrka pĂ„ fasadsidan, speciellt nĂ€r det gĂ€ller fasader för flerbostadshus. Erfarenheterna nĂ€r det gĂ€ller murade och putsade fasader Ă€r mer jĂ€mnt utspridda över hela landet. ArkitektkĂ„ren Ă€r positivt instĂ€lld till murat och putsat byggande, bĂ„de yrkesmĂ€ssigt och privat. Arkitekter ser goda möjligheter till kreativ arkitektur med murning och putsning. Murverksbranschen bör förbĂ€ttra bĂ„de sin marknadsföring och informationshantering gentemot arkitektkĂ„ren för att stĂ€rka det murade och putsade byggandets stĂ€llning. Byggentreprenörer som yrkeskĂ„r har en förhĂ„llandevis begrĂ€nsad erfarenhet av murat byggande. Erfarenheterna Ă€r bĂ€ttre nĂ€r det gĂ€ller putsning. Byggentreprenörer Ă€r en viktig mĂ„lgrupp för murverksaktörerna dĂ„ det murade och putsade alternativet ofta vĂ€ljs bort av dessa till förmĂ„n för andra, billigare och snabbare metoder. Företag inom byggentreprenadbranschen kan ocksĂ„ utgöra en nyckelgrupp för en eventuell omstĂ€llning till produktion av murade hus i större skala. Marknadsbearbetningen och informationsspridningen mot byggentreprenörer bör stĂ€rkas. Det Ă€r viktigt att murverks- och putsbranschen nĂ„r ut till arkitekter, byggentreprenörer och smĂ„husköpare med rĂ€tt information genom anvĂ€ndning av rĂ€tt sorts kanaler. Information pĂ„ internet och skapande av lĂ„ngsiktiga relationer med professionella aktörer bör prioriteras. Arkitekter och byggentreprenörer ser murverksbranschens frĂ€msta möjligheter i: a) bearbetning av bestĂ€llare och brukare intresserade av lĂ„ngsiktigt hĂ„llbara lösningar; b) framtagning av produkter med bĂ€ttre prestanda avseende energi, fuktsĂ€kerhet och arkitektoniska möjligheter; c) framtagning av billigare produkter och lösningar. Branschaktörerna bör utveckla produkter och affĂ€rsupplĂ€gg som nĂ„r smĂ„husköpare som idag inte Ă€r intresserade av murat och putsat byggande utan av funktioner som kan uppnĂ„s genom denna byggnadsteknik. Utmaningar som murat och putsat byggande kommer att möta bestĂ„r bland andra av: a) andra billigare produkter; b) konkurrerande lösningar med bĂ€ttre energiprestanda; c) ökad acceptans för andra fasadmaterial. Fuktproblemen med enstegstĂ€tade fasader har haft en negativ inverkan pĂ„ synen pĂ„ murat och putsat byggande hos bĂ„de arkitekter och entreprenörer. Branschen bör undvika framtida misstag av den hĂ€r typen. Branschen bör Ă€gna speciell uppmĂ€rksamhet Ă„t utvecklingen av lĂ„genergiprodukter. FörvĂ€ntningarna hos alla undersökta mĂ„lgrupper pĂ„ att de murade och putsade alternativen skulle klara konkurrensen nĂ€r det gĂ€ller energieffektivitet Ă€r lĂ„gt stĂ€llda. Ett offensivt utvecklingsarbete bör startas för att ta fram produkter med högklassig energiprestanda. Utvecklingsarbetet bör Ă€ven inriktas pĂ„ att förbĂ€ttra produktiviteten och göra murade och putsade produkter och tjĂ€nster billigare för slutkunden
